rising tide, shifting ground
Morgan Possberg, Hailey Guzik, and Eliza Knockwood/Lennox Island
Kings Playhouse, Georgetown, PEI
Radiant Rural Halls, this town is small
March 4 - 5, 2023
Morgan Possberg, Hailey Guzik, and Eliza Knockwood/Lennox Island
Kings Playhouse, Georgetown, PEI
Radiant Rural Halls, this town is small
March 4 - 5, 2023
rising tide, shifting ground examines the rural ecologies of Epekwitk/Prince Edward Island and of the Atlantic regions through three artistic practices that are rooted to these increasingly fluctuating geographies. The projects presented in rising tide, shifting ground consider the many ways in which this place was shaped and reshaped, both by force of nature and by hand; imagined and reimagined by its inhabitants through time. The installation, film, and artworks in this curated series of projects touch upon intersecting themes and preoccupations; two feet in the sand, the artists reckon with material surplus, share traditional skills and space, entertain relationships with interstitial sites and their inhabitants both human and not, and expand collective understandings of the local histories embedded in their surrounding landscapes.
read the full exhibition essay
read the full exhibition essay

Exhibition documentation : Greg Ellison
This project was generously supported by the Ontario Arts Council (Research) and the Canada Council for the Arts (Travel).