Laura Demers est artiste-commissaire œuvrant à Toronto. Elle s'intéresse à la matérialité instable des médias analogiques pour créer des images et des œuvres qui invitent l'infiltration de traces ou de procédés naturels. Ses œuvres ont été présentées à Art Mûr, Idea Exchange, Trinity Square Video, au Centre Sagamie, à L'Écart, à la Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen, Project Underwing et d’autres espaces gérés par des artistes. Comme commissaire, elle a réalisé des projets d’exposition à la Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, La Maison des artistes visuels francophones, et The Power Plant, ainsi que des projets événementiels et/ou virtuels auprès d’organismes comme Art Spin Hamilton, this town is small, la Triennale Orange 2022, et la galerie the plumb dont elle est membre et cofondatrice.
Laura Demers is an artist and independent curator working in Toronto. She is interested in the unstable materiality of analog media, and creates images and works that invite the infiltration of traces or natural processes. Her works have been presented at Art Mûr, Idea Exchange, Trinity Square Video, Centre Sagamie, L'Écart, the Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen Art Gallery, Project Underwing and other DIY spaces. As a curator, she has carried out exhibition projects at the Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, La Maison des artistes visuels francophones, and The Power Plant, as well as event-based and/or virtual projects with organizations such as Art Spin Hamilton, this town is small, and the 2022 Orange Triennial. She is a member and co-founder of the plumb.
Laura Demers is an artist and independent curator working in Toronto. She is interested in the unstable materiality of analog media, and creates images and works that invite the infiltration of traces or natural processes. Her works have been presented at Art Mûr, Idea Exchange, Trinity Square Video, Centre Sagamie, L'Écart, the Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen Art Gallery, Project Underwing and other DIY spaces. As a curator, she has carried out exhibition projects at the Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, La Maison des artistes visuels francophones, and The Power Plant, as well as event-based and/or virtual projects with organizations such as Art Spin Hamilton, this town is small, and the 2022 Orange Triennial. She is a member and co-founder of the plumb.